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Tvé utrpení je u konce. Konečně jsi našel svého experta pro tvorbu webové stránky na klíč.

Má cesta do světa webového vývoje se datuje do roku 2006. Vše začalo, když jsem ztratil svůj věneček a splodil nejškaredější webové stránky, které si dokážeš představit.

Prozkoumej mou nabídku​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​

✽ Jak jsem přispěl k našemu průmyslu






let umělé inteligence

let v designu

let v programování

Tvé utrpení je u konce, konečně jsi našel svého experta na webové stránky na klíč

Má cesta do světa webového vývoje se datuje do roku 2006. Vše začalo, když jsem ztratil svou květinu a splodil nejškaredější webové stránky, které si můžeš představit.

Prozkoumej mou nabídku​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​

✽ Jak jsem přispěl k našemu průmyslu

17+ let programování
7+  let designu
5+ let v umělé inteligenci
50+ projektů

Důvěřují mi

Tyto respektované značky důvěřovaly mým odborným znalostem a spoléhaly se na mé dovednosti, aby dosáhly svých cílů.

Přidáš se do klubu?

Přidáš se do klubu?

Věřim ti kámo,  Pojďme o tom pokecat 

Moje soft a hard skills

Moje cesta mě vybavila nezbytnými soft i hard skilly, které byly klíčové pro formování mé kariéry.


Šou právě začala

Byl jsem 15letý fracek, který přesvědčil svou svobodnou matku, aby mu koupila PC za velmi málo peněz, které jsme měli, za to jsem ji velimi vděčný, hned mě to chytlo jak heroin. Takto započala má celoživotní závislost na asijském pornu, dedikovanost ke studiu asijské kultury a programování.


Poker Dealer

In my role as a poker dealer, I discovered a great deal about psychology and the intricacies of human behavior. Working in the largest poker room pushed me to use both English and German, which helped me develop strong communication skills. The casino environment is filled with stress, and this experience has armed me with a mental toughness that is not easily shaken.

Skills: Effective communication, multilingualism, mental resilience


Freelance Programmer

I began freelancing in my spare time, gradually building my expertise, enhancing my negotiation abilities, acquiring legal knowledge, and picking up some sales techniques.

Skills: Autonomy, legal insights, negotiation skills, business, time management, prioritization and optimization 


Poker Manager

I began my career as a poker dealer and quickly climbed the ranks to manager thanks to my outspoken nature and strong background in both casino operations and technology. I gradually modernized the casino by replacing outdated systems and software. This role significantly boosted my communication abilities, fostered my mental resilience, and helped me cultivate leadership skills, as I was often in charge of more than 20 team members, ensuring they operated efficiently.

Skills: Effective communication, leadership mental resilience, time management, prioritization, coaching skills


Marketing and Design

The casino industry can be extremely demanding, and not everyone is suited to cope with the high-pressure environment. We experienced several layoffs, and sourcing skilled professionals in design and marketing became a hurdle. In light of this, I embraced my unmatched adaptability and signed up for various marketing consultations with experts in the field.  Long story short, the casino began to flourish and expand, and my focus shifted more towards marketing and design, which became more vital than management, allowing me to transition to work remotely full-time.

Skills: Marketing, Adobe AI/PS, Meta Ads, PPC, Canva

2018 - 2024

Fullstack Developer

Complex Poker Clocks

As a result of me transitioning from high-stress envirtonment to working from home, I experienced less distractions and managed to be much more productive. During that time I created my first side product. It taught me an invaluable lesson: focusing on performance can be detrimental. At that time, I had no clue about concepts like memoization, which became essential knowledge after I attempted to run my wildly unoptimized Electron app on computers that struggled to launch Internet Explorer. I started with jQuery, and eventually transitioned to React.js + redux.


Certified Coach

This year, I became a Certified Fitness and Bodybuilding coach and began my powerlifting adventure. My involvement in lifting, along with my focus on nutrition, has greatly enriched my understanding of how crucial are discipline and persistence to achieving my goals.

Skills: Discipline, Nutrition


Fullstack developer

Creating a custom web interface to categorize documents and their folders by confidence score

Skills: Material-UI · PostgreSQL · Node.js · GraphQL · TypeScript · React · GraphQL · TypeORM · React.js

Fullstack developer

Responsible for building frontend interface for automation tool leveraging AI to help settle claims and underwriting

Skills: Material-UI · Redux.js · PostgreSQL · Node.js · TypeScript · Apollo · React · GraphQL · TypeORM · React.js


Front-end developer

Web and mobile applications for security leveraging cameras and lidars

Skills: Node.js · TypeScript · React Query · React · React.js

Fullstack developer

Money management PWA, migration to firebase auth + firestore, and partial upgrade from JavaScript to TypeScript. I was also helping with their react-native app

Skills: Redux.js · React Native · Node.js · Cloud Firestore · Firestore · TypeScript · React · React.js · Firebase 

Fullstack developer

Skills: Redux.js · Node.js · Cloud Firestore · ReflexJS · Firestore · TypeScript · React · React.js · IndexedDB · Redux Toolkit · Firebase

Front-end developer

PWA application for estate measurement using cellphone camera only

Skills: Redux.js · Node.js · Firebase Storage · ReflexJS · Firestore · Emotion · TypeScript · React · React.js · IndexedDB · Reflex.js

Fullstack developer

Development of mobile application helping digitalize house constructions

Skills: React Native · Redux · Node.js · TypeScript · React · React.js 

Front-end developer
PWA for insurance companies to inspect vehicles leveraging AI

Skills: Cloud Firestore · Chakra-ui · Emotion · TypeScript · React.js



Fullstack developer

Other than coding the design and building API I was also responsible for the clean architecture, connecting payments to Stripe API, and setting up sockets. BGamer is an e-sports portal where users can earn money by playing with others. It should be released later this year ('22)

Skills: Material-UI · MongoDB · Node.js · TypeScript · Stripe API · React Query · React · · Express.js · React.js · Next.js

Back-end developer

Nautie is a great research tool to effectively navigate the customer perspective on a topic that is unfamiliar. I helped with the backend development of research-related tasks, and as a side effect I gained insight into how research is done and what is important to focus on when doing it.

Skills: Docker · MongoDB · Node.js · GraphQL · Sailsjs · JavaScript


Front-end developer

Fullstack developer

Building custom UI for SentiSquare AI models. Other than creating an interface with plenty of dynamic forms and interactive tables I created a custom query language with autocomplete, syntax linting, and highlighting. Additionally, I developed a fully customizable dashboard with resizable, draggable, and sortable graphs.

Skills: MSW · React Bootstrap · React Table · Node.js · TypeScript · React Query · React · Recharts · Ace Editor · Bootstrap · SASS · React.js · NextAuth · Next.js​




Quertas is a platform designed to enhance interactions with Large Language Models (LLMs) by offering a suite of features tailored for both users and developers. It provides a user-friendly chat interface, customizable to fit various needs, and supports the integration of AI Agents, which can be configured to perform specific tasks within conversations. The platform ensures efficient data management through chat logs and embedded chat widgets, facilitating seamless communication and record-keeping. For developers, Quertas offers robust API access, allowing for the management, updating, embedding, and interaction with workspaces programmatically. It supports a variety of vector databases, both local and cloud-based, ensuring flexibility in data storage and retrieval. Additionally, Quertas is compatible with multiple language model providers, including both local (like llama) and cloud options (like Deepseek, Anthropic or OpenAI), enabling users to choose the best fit for their specific requirements. Overall, Quertas aims to provide a versatile and efficient environment for leveraging the capabilities of LLMs.

Quertas is now a private service. It can be seamlessly integrated into your company. I am prioritizing privacy and allowing interaction with OpenSource models such as DeepSeek. Contact me if you'd like to find out more!

Skills: AI ·  AI Agents · TypeScript · OpenAI · Docker · DevOps · Sales 



Varyshop is an innovative platform that enables users to create personalized websites and start selling products or services online without any technical expertise. Iit harnesses state-of-the-art artificial intelligence solutions to deliver economical approach to building an eCommerce platform and starting sales process as fast as possible.

Skills: Python ·  Docker · Bootstrap · Owl.js · DevOps · Sales · Marketing

 Pojď se spojit

Máš zájem využít znalosti a dovednosti, které jsem posbíral? Jsem vždy otevřený rozšiřování sítě spoluprácí. Pokud potřebuješ pomoc s nějakým projektem, dej mi vědět a jsem si jistý, že něco vymyslíme.

Pokud tvé cíle nemíří na miliardy, nastavujete laťku příliš nízko.

I appreciate your interest in my skills!

I promise to respond as soon as I get to read it.

Check Out My Offerings

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